Finding Out Who You Are

For too many years I have been defined by what I do instead of who I am.  Even when asked, I would list my current job title . . . as if this could somehow explain who I am really.  Recently, I’ve started making an effort to not answer the question with my job title and to not be embarrassed by who I really am.

I know, I know, who am I?  Similar to Hamlet, I have spent many years pondering this and have had a lot of employment opportunities to test my own perception of who I am against those of others.  What I have discovered in all of my jobs from selling popcorn to being a nanny, I have always used my creativity.

At the movie theatre, I would create the weekly movie listing flyer with all the passion of an aspiring advertising executive.  As a nanny, I went to my charge’s 4th grade class and directed them in the last scene of “Hamlet” to teach them about Shakespeare.  The kids loved “dying” and looked forward to reading, seeing and being in more productions of this great master.

Even for my current employer, I try to find creative ways to get my co-workers to computer training and make what they have learned transfer over into their own work-product.

So, if you are like me and are still asking, “to be, or not to be;” sit down and write down the things you enjoy doing – not your job title.  In addition to being creative, I enjoy interacting with others and teaching for the moment when true enlightenment takes place.  I like finding creative approaches to problem solving.  In addition, I enjoy writing, painting and throwing clay.  And finally, after all these years pondering . . . I know that I am a Creative Soul.  So, now that you know who I am, who are you?

© 2008 Heather C. Morrow.  All rights reserved.

Originally published 7/2008 by Heart & Soul Healing Arts Center in Pasadena.

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Heather C. Morrow, owner of Pottery Daily, helps emerging artists express their true value and get paid what they are worth.  Her products and services show you how to make more money, save more time while enjoying the freedom in your art.  For your FREE audio go to