It’s a Celebration – Using Holidays in Your Marketing Message

Avast! As I write this article, on Sunday, September 19, 2010, it is the International “Talk Like a Pirate Day.”  I could attempt to continue writing in pirate speak; however, I’m going to walk the plank and tell you how I’ve successfully used holidays in my marketing messages over the past couple of years.

First, how did I know that it is “Talk Like a Pirate Day”?  It’s actually on my desk calendar.  I also regularly consult the Brownie Locks ( website which lists all known and sometime very obscure holidays; including month and week celebrations.  Did you know that next month is National Popcorn Poppin’ Month?  How can you use this?  Immediately, I thought of all the porcelain bowls I have in inventory that would make great popcorn vessels.

Below is a list of the headlines from the last 2 years where I’ve tied holidays into my marketing message:

  • Happy Valentine’s Day
  • May Your St. Patrick’s Day Be Filled With a Lot of Green
  • Happy Easter
  • Happy Limerick Day
  • Remembering Loved Ones on Memorial Day
  • Tea –> Revolution –> A Celebration of Independence
  • Dog Days of Summer
  • Talk Like a Pirate Day
  • Spook-tacular Halloween Deals
  • Not Santa’s Elves
  • Stuffed and Grateful
  • The Magic of the Season
  • A New Year – A New You
  • Will You Be My Valentine?
  • Do You Believe in the Luck of the Irish?
  • Memorial Day Traditions Revisited
  • Red, White & Blue

There is even a “Create Your Own Holiday” day; however, you could create your own holiday at any time.  Explain why you created the holiday and how it should be celebrated.

Using holidays in your marketing message works because it ties into what is on your customer’s mind and/or amuses them.  Plus it’s a great tool to get past the dreaded blank page.  So, go out and celebrate!  I am sure today is some sort of holiday.

© 2010 Heather C. Morrow.  All rights reserved

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Heather C. Morrow, owner of Pottery Daily, helps emerging artists express their true value and get paid what they are worth.  Her products and services show you how to make more money, save more time while enjoying the freedom in your art.  For your FREE audio go to