New Year’s Resolutions – Do They Work for You or Against You?

It’s 2011 – time to start fresh with new resolutions and a new attitude.  Well, not really.  You may be carrying the same, if not, more baggage as last year which is stopping you from that fresh start and accomplishing the same resolutions you make every year.

Sure, I’ve made New Year’s resolutions; however, I have had the same resolutions for 20 plus years.

  • Lose weight
  • Exercise more
  • Write a novel

The problem with these resolutions is that I am not willing to change the things I love about my life in order to accomplish the resolutions.  So, I beat myself up about not accomplishing my resolutions, year after year – instead of looking at what I have accomplished.

I believe it is far more beneficial to review the prior year’s accomplishments rather than setting resolutions.  It can also be instructive, as you can see the path of where you have been and indicators as to where you are going.

It’s easy to do, but might take some time as it is hard to remember all that we have done in a year.  On a piece of paper, start with “This year, I . . . “

This year, I . . . .

  • Launched
  • Sent out a weekly eZine (50)
  • Produced and published a book with my Mom
  • Was selected to participate in 6 gallery shows and several arts and crafts shows

I could go on, but the point being that this list is far more interesting and satisfying than my New Year’s resolutions.  Write down everything, even the most mundane because you when you focus on what you have done, you are more likely to get more of the same done in the future.

Wishing you all the best in 2011!

© 2010 Heather C. Morrow.  All rights reserved

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Heather C. Morrow, owner of Pottery Daily, helps emerging artists express their true value and get paid what they are worth.  Her products and services show you how to make more money, save more time while enjoying the freedom in your art.  For your FREE audio go to