It might be impossible (and even undesirable) to avoid the responsibilities of life, but how we choose to view the world that we live in can mean the difference between a life filled with happiness, optimism and enthusiasm and one that is laden with misery and depression. When things begin to feel a bit lackluster and wearing, looking at the world through the eyes of a child can prove to be hugely inspiring and can be a great way to remind yourself of what life has to offer.
Kids might drive their parents crazy with all their “whys” and “what fors,” but actually when they become adults they start to lose their natural curiosity and stop asking these questions, it is then that the light in their eyes starts to fade and they become world-weary.
Try looking at the world through a fresh pair of childlike eyes – eyes that take nothing for granted. Allow yourself to wonder how Mother Nature performed her miracles and how things work and why things are done in the way that they are. Who knows, you might even discover passions for things that you had barely even noticed before, which in turn could lead to hobbies and careers that bring all the excitement and fulfillment that is missing back into your life.